Phu Bai
8th Radio Research Field Station
The 8th Radio Research Field Station was not far from Camp Eagle and there were some of our compliment that were sent to that location on temporary duty (TDY in military terminology). Personally, I didn't pay much attention to the goings on of much of our business as I didn't have a need to know about anything other than my own little piece of the action. This was a common theme amongst us all as what you didn't know, you couldn't be made to tell should you have the misfortune of falling into the wrong company or just have a slip of the tongue.
To those of us who lived at our base camp, Camp Eagle, or other locations in the fieild, the field station was a treat to visit. They had a base exchange with many more items to be purchased, a nice enlisted man's club and what we enjoyed the most....a swimming pool. I don't know the history of the compound but that subject might be an interesting subject to research.
On occaision, we'd be allowed to load up a few trucks and go to the EM club at the field station. Long before M.A.D.D., we had designated drivers as most of us would slosh a bit on the return trip to Camp Eagle. The drink that we all seemed to crave was the screwdriver. They just seem to be a real taste treat.
One of the stories I recall from one of our trips is a bit of fist-a-cuffs that took place in the restroom. We had gone in to take care of our business and were standing in place when some guy came in and called specialist Scearcy a" leg" (That a non-airborne soldier). Scearcy just reversed his position at the urinal by 180 degrees and with one swing he knocked this guy through the toilet partition. The guy didn't get up and we left. It should be noted that Scearcy was not jump qualified.
Phu Bai Swimming Pool

Dan gettin' ready On the way

Beer drinking contest: open can and baby bottle
The Pussy Cat Review was a group from Australia. I'm not sure if the young man playing drums was the child of one of the performers or not. Regardless, it must have been the experience of a life time for him. He was actually a real good drummer!